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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Aug 25, 2023

The First Ceramsite and Phosphogypsum Storage and Packaging Project of Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd. Successfully Completed

Recently, constructed by SRON Company,the first ceramsite and phosphogypsum storage and packaging project successfully completed.
The project is the second phase of the project after the first silo project of phosphogypsum solid waste industry in our company. At the beginning of the project, in order to fully implement the quality engineering construction, the project departments and the relevant persons in charge of the strict implementation of the company's quality engineering requirements for the creation of norms, through the project standard construction management requirements, construction norms and standardization of work, fully combined with the actual situation of the project site and the project's construction difficulties, in advance of the preparation of the construction program, the strict implementation of the "Tasks are Assigned to each post, Responsibilities are traced to each person "At the same time, the company continuously strengthens the safety and quality control, strengthens the safety education and training of the site operators and the safety and technical briefing work, so as to provide escort for the continuous advancement and smooth delivery of the project.

During the construction of the project, the local high temperature and high humidity climate brought huge challenges to the construction progress and quality. In this regard, while ensuring the progress of the project, the construction team of SRON adopted methods such as staggered peak construction and distributing heatstroke prevention medicines to avoid high-temperature operations as much as possible without delaying the construction period to ensure safe and civilized construction. At the same time, in view of the impact of high temperature and high humidity on the effect of rust removal and painting on steel structures, the construction team of SRON adjusted the number of layers of paint in time according to the actual situation, and ensured that 4 layers of paint were applied to key parts to ensure Provide high quality engineering.

In the end, the construction team of SRON Company adhered to the product concept of "Technology Builds the Beauty of Engineering", overcame many difficulties, formulated a scientific and reasonable construction plan according to local conditions, ensured the successful completion of the project, and created another high-quality project with high standards and high requirements. It has won the unanimous approval of the owner and the supervision company.
Tel: +86-371-63253880