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Company News information Mar 30, 2023

Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd.Held Online Construction Management Work Conference

Recently, Henan SRON Silo Engineering Co., Ltd. organized a working meeting on construction management, General Manager Wen Peng, Chief Technical Engineer Yang Gongxiao, Project Manager Li Zhigang, Deputy Manager of Technical Department Li Yongxiang, Deputy Manager of Engineering Department Li Gang and other management team company of company, project leaders and management personnel attended the meeting, the theme of the meeting was "Safety First, Improve Quality, Control Progress, Optimize Cost".
The meeting was conducted by a combination of on-site meeting and project site video link. The meeting firstly listened to the work carried out by the project departments currently under construction.
Yang Gongxiao,Chief Technical Engineer,expressed his affirmation on the on-site construction safety management, construction quality, construction progress, cost control and other work of each project.He pointed out that the construction site management are in strict accordance with the company's construction management process, standardized and orderly, better implementation of the concept of standardized management of the company's grasp of the project, fully reflects the company at all levels, especially the grassroots project department to do a good job in the construction and development of the company's sense of responsibility and mission.
Li Gang,Deputy Manager of Engineering Department,emphasized and guided the issues of project construction safety, quality, schedule and cost, stressing that the construction units should strictly follow the project construction procedures, grasp the work in details, fine management of the project, scientific organization of construction, and making every effort to create high-quality projects. To firmly establish the bottom-line thinking of safety production, enhance the sense of responsibility for safety production, strict safety construction, and effectively build a safety line of defense to ensure that the projects are delivered to the owners smoothly with quality and quantity.
Wen Peng, General Manager of SRON concluded that, for the more than ten project sites under construction at home and abroad, SRON company from the top management, to the construction of workers must always tighten the red line of engineering construction safety, pay close attention to project management, and resolutely implement the new engineering project standard management regulations issued by the Ministry of Engineering.Ensure the project quality, project progress and delivery as scheduled. From the ideological point of view, we remember the mission of the enterprise and the responsibility and commitment of the post, and practice the commitment to the owner in action. Deliver a complete answer to the owner with practical actions and quality projects. We hope that each project department will actively practice the  core enterprise value of "Technology builds the beauty of project", strictly follow the management and overall target requirements, strengthen safety education and management awareness, and perfectly achieve high starting point, high standard, high efficiency and high quality to promote project implementation.
Through this meeting, it further clarifies the requirements of the site safety production and standardized management of each project department of SRON Company, and lays a solid foundation for enhancing the construction management level of each project department, improving work efficiency and ensuring that each project department of the company achieves the established goals of construction management.
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