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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Jul 03, 2023

SRON Silo Engineering was Invited to Attend "World Export Development Forum - 2023"

  "World Export Development Forum - 2023" was held on June 26-29 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Forum was attended by the President of Mongolia, Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, representatives of the Parliament, key ministries, and the business community, government officials, business leaders, representatives of international trade promotion agencies, and others.More than 600 representatives from 70 countries participated in this 2023 World Export Development Forum. As the only invited enterprise of silo industry in China, SRON attended with the China  Chamber of International Commerce delegation to conduct trade exchanges, negotiations and business matching with participants from around the world.

Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, President of Mongolia 

Battsetseg Batmunkh, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mongolia

Rabab Fatima, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations 
 This year's forum was co-hosted by the Government of Mongolia and the International Trade Centre(ITC), with the theme of "Diversify with Green Trade"—— organic, digital and sustainable. The forum had a special promotion session of “China International Fair for Investment and Trade”, which attracted nearly 100 participants from investment and trade institutions, business associations, import and export enterprises and representatives of Mongolia from all over the world.Dorothy Tembo, Representative of ITC, Liu Xiaoguang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China, and Xu Liang, Director of the Multilateral Cooperation Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China Chamber of International Commerce attended the promotion event and delivered speeches. SRON company with advanced system solutions in the field of bulk material storage and transportation appeared in the exchange conference, attracting the attention of many participants.

Liu Xiaoguang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China

Xu Liang, Director of the Multilateral Cooperation Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China Chamber of International Commerce

Photo of SRON company representatives and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China Chamber of International Commerce delegation group 

Photo of Wen Peng,General Manager of SRON and Liu Xiaoguang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China

Participants of SRON
Wen Peng, General Manager of SRON Company, introduced to the participants the advanced experience of China in bulk material storage and transportation engineering construction and the development status of SRON Company. He said, at present, China has accumulated rich project experience in engineering technology, equipment manufacturing, engineering management, operation management, etc., and many fields of Chinese originality has been in the international leading level. As a fully and highly qualified general contracting enterprise in the field of bulk material storage and transportation engineering in China, SRON always takes the vision of establishing SRON as an international industrial brand in the field of bulk material storage and transportation, and is committed to providing steel plate silo engineering systems, closed yard systems and terminal bulk material handling systems for bulk materials such as grain, cement, fly ash and clinker. And has been in more than 30 countries and regions to contract the project, by the domestic and foreign customers praise. The company will take this world-class forum as an opportunity, and more countries to strengthen the exchange of enterprises and institutions to promote practical cooperation, will represent China's advanced level of technology, equipment, construction management experience out of the country, to help the world's bulk storage and transportation engineering construction, so that China's bulk storage and transportation engineering brand is known overseas!
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