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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Jul 18, 2024

SRON Company “Malaysia-3x5,000T Wood Pellet Silos EPC Project” Successfully Start Construction

Recently, the Malaysian 3x5000T wood pellet silo EPC project, undertaken by SRON Company, started smoothly. The project covers three 5,000-ton spiral silos, and the main storage materials are wood pellets.
In order to ensure the smooth development of this project, SRON Company attaches great importance to it from the preliminary design to the project construction. During the project design process, we fully considered the storage characteristics of wood pellets and strictly monitored and managed the temperature and humidity in the silo to achieve real-time monitoring. At the same time, combined with the characteristics of the project and the needs of the owner, it is equipped with high-output silo feeding and discharging equipment, which solves problems that may occur in centralized feeding materials, dust collection, and long-distance transportation, and has been highly recognized by the owner.

Up to now, the project has completed the material arrival and foundation construction, and the top of the silo is under construction. In the future, SRON Company will continue to carefully organize construction, strengthen process management, and ensure project quality and progress with a high sense of responsibility and mission. We will make every effort to build this project into a high-quality, excellent, and reliable project of SRON Company in the local area!
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