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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Company News information Sep 28, 2023

Mr. Xin Xiuming, Vice President of China International Contractors Association, and His Delegation Visited SRON for Investigation and Research

On September 27th, Xin Xiuming, Vice President of China International Contractors Association(CHINCA), Zhang Fang, Deputy Director of Membership and Training Department of CHINCA, Pan Jufen, Deputy Director of Department of Commerce of Henan Province, Sun Jinhui, Chief Specialist of Stecol Cooperation, Liu Yajun and Wang Rui, Senior Managers of Membership and Training Department of CHINCA, and Wu Peiyun, Secretary of Henan Enterprises International Cooperation Association came to visit SRON for investigation and research. Mr. Wen Peng, chairman of SRON with relevant heads of functional departments, warmly received them and conducted lecture exchanges.

At the seminar, Mr. Wen Peng, the chairman of SRON, firstly welcomed the arrival of Vice President Xin Xiuming and his delegation, and thanked CHINCA for its long-term support to SRON. Our chairman,Mr. Wen Peng, introduced the international business development of our company and the difficulties and problems we are facing, as well as the achievements we have made in the development of overseas business. He said, as an EPC general contractor in the field of bulk storage and transportation in China, SRON always adheres to the values of "Achieve Clients' success, Lead the technology, People first, Build for values, Practical and progressive", and is committed to building an international engineering company and a respected international industrial brand in the field of bulk storage and transportation, which has a good reputation in the industry and a good reputation.He hopes to continue to strengthen the cooperation and communication with China International Contractors Association(CHINCA)in the future, and under the guidance and help of CHINCA, to further expand the business of SRON in the field of bulk storage and transportation in China.

Mr. Wen Peng, Chairman of SRON, and Mr. Xin Xiuming, Vice President of CHINCA
During the meeting, after listening to the introduction of SREC, Mr. Xin affirmed the achievements and overseas market development ideas of SRON and thanked SRON for its strong support to the work of the Chamber. He said that China International Contractors Association will continue to fulfill and play a good function of the Association, fully support enterprises to "go out" and further do a good job of service work around the issues of concern to enterprises. Suggested that SRON combines its own advantages, fully utilizes the platform of the Association, strengthens the cooperation among enterprises, especially strengthens the cooperation with Chinese central State-owned enterprises, provides professional support for Chinese central State-owned enterprises to strengthen and supplement the chain, brings the mature business model and advanced technology out of the country, explores a broader market, and realizes the high-quality development of the overseas business.
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