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China leading EPC contactor for bulk materials storage and transportation projects
Industry News information Nov 07, 2022

SRON was invited to attend the 2022 China-Pakistan Business Forum

In order to promote economic and trade exchanges and practical cooperation between China and Pakistan, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China hosted an on-line China-Pakistan Business Forum on the afternoon of Nov. 2, 2022. The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, delivered a speech. Government officials of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan introduced investment opportunities in Pakistan to the participants.

At the invitation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Henan Sub-Council, SRON’s general manager Wen Peng attended the meeting as a representative of import and export enterprises in Henan Province. The project of bulk coal loading station in Thar Coal Power Block II, Pakistan undertaken by our company in 2021 is a flagship project of the Belt and Road, and also the first coal and electricity integration project of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and even the whole Pakistan. The project made a qualitative improvement in cost reduction, efficiency increase, energy conservation and environmental protection for coal production in Pakistan and was highly praised by the owner.

China is the largest trading partner and the largest source of investment of Pakistan. Our company will actively participate in the market development in Pakistan and contribute to the friendly economic development between China and Pakistan as always.
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