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Sinoma Shandong Engineering-8×2,500T Spiral Sealing Steel Silo

Project introduction
This project is a kaolin rock curling silo project undertaken by our company under Sinoma Shandong Engineering Engineering Co., Ltd. The project covers 8 Lipp silos, as well as the fabrication and installation of auxiliary structures, including steel ladders and handrails, inspection doors, and manhole doors Etc. Lipp silo complete system, silo diameter: Φ12m, total height: 15.5m, storage capacity: 2500t. The project had been completed ahead of schedule.
Project Overview
Material: Kaolinite
Reserves: 8*2500T
Silo Type: Spiral Sealing Steel Silo
Bulk Material Stockyard
Bulk material stockyard is the main form of bulk material storage, which can be divided into strip stockyard, spherical stockyard and high cylinder wall warehouse according to the different storage structures.
Bulk Material Stockyard
Low cost
Short construction period
Good homogenization effect and easy expansion
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Loading Station
In the ore, coal, cement and other industries, transfer loading of bulk materials is completed in the mine, wharf or railway station. Loading station can realize rapid and quantitative loading.
Loading Station
High loading efficiency
Efficient and environmental
Low construction and operation cost
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Sand Aggregate Industry
The selection of sand aggregate production line is an important part of modern aggregate production. The production line consists of three systems: ore receiving hopper, crushing and screening, and finished product storage. SRON provides customers with professional sand aggregate station system solutions.
Sand Aggregate Industry
Large storage capacity
Durability and weather resistance
Efficient material handling
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F10, Xin'ao Plaza, No.2 of Commerce Inner Loop road, Jinshui district, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Tel: +86-371-63253880